
Post date: Jan 18, 2011 9:33:59 PM

Bell Ringer: Describe the motion of an object whose distance vs. time graph goes up and to the right at a slight angle, then is horizontal, then goes up and to the right at a steep angle.

Measuring motion labs are due today.

Show students the last part of the chapter 3 notes (slides 18-30) and have them take notes

Remind students that their test over everything we've done so far is tomorrow

Put up the chapter 3 review problems powerpoint. Show just the problem, give students some time to work, then reveal the next lines which show the solution to each problem. Repeat for each problem. If you like, you can have students work the problems out for the class on the chalkboard, then check their work against the powerpoint.

Give students the rest of the block to study for the test. The list of topics for the test should be on the side board already. Remind them that previous quizzes and practice problems would be good to use to study.