
This semester, we'll be using Google+ to connect outside of class time. Through our Google+ community, we'll answer discussion questions, ask and answer questions about problems we're working, discuss upcoming tests, projects, and assignments, and use the "Hangouts" feature to video chat periodically.

To join the Google + Community, you first need to have a Gmail account. Click here to create an account if you don't already have one. Next, you'll need an invite from Mr. Bennett. He'll send out invites to everyone who fills out the student information survey. If you don't receive an invite, request an invite.

If you've already been invited, sign into your Gmail account and click the + "your name" link at the top-left of the screen to access Google+. On the left side, find "communities" and the click on our class's community link. Alternatively, click here to get straight to our community.