
Post date: Jan 24, 2011 2:44:7 PM

    • Bell Ringer: A roadrunner accelerates from rest at 1.50 m/s/s away from a coyote. How long does it take the roadrunner to reach 18 mph?

    • Continue Acceleration notes

    • How to set up constant acceleration problems

      1. (optional) draw the final and initial state with velocities and distances labeled.

      2. Standardize units and write out given info in table format:

          • Fill in each space with:

              • the value, if given

              • "?" if asked for

              • "X" if not given and not asked for

      1. Select which equation to use, using the following table:

          • Use the equation with the same variable xed out as your given information

      1. Use algebra to rearrange the equation to find the variable you are asked to find.

      2. Plug in numbers (with units) and do the calculation.

      3. Check that units come out correctly, round to correct number of sig digs, and think about whether your answer makes sense (no 30,000 m long flutes!)