
Post date: Jan 26, 2010 8:49:12 PM

Bell Ringer: How can you make matter change from one state to another?

    • Finish 3.1 notes

      • Energy

        • All moving objects have KINETIC energy

        • Since all matter is made of atoms and molecules that are constantly moving, each atom and molecule has kinetic energy

      • Temperature

        • A measurement of the AVERAGE kinetic energy of the atoms that make up a substance

        • We experience this as how hot or cold something is

        • Hot things have a higher temperature than cold things

      • Thermal energy

        • A measurement of the TOTAL kinetic energy of the atoms that make up a substance

        • More particles (atoms) means more thermal energy

        • Hot things may or may not have more thermal energy than cold things; it depends on the sizes of each

  • 3.2 Notes

  • HW: Page 81: 1-7