
Post date: Mar 06, 2009 2:32:25 AM

Bell Ringer: What is a compound machine?

    • Most of the things we think of as machines are compound machines, made up of several different simple machines working together

  • Machine dissections

      • Working in groups of 3-4, students will dissect (take apart) common household machines

      • Each student will turn in a paper with the following:

        • A description of the machine your group dissected, including what the purpose of the machine is

        • Sketches of any simple machines you find, along with a description of what their purpose is in this device

        • A sketch of the inside of the machine as a whole, and a description of how the individual simple machines work together

        • A half page description of how a deeper understanding of how machines work could be useful to you

        • **bonus points will be awarded if your group can put the machine back together so that it works as well as it did when you started**