
Post date: Mar 20, 2012 4:21:40 PM

    • Bell ringer (verbal): What different things do we use land for?

    • 14-1 notes - how we use land

      • Land use and land cover

        • Land cover is what's on the land, and affects how we use land (trees vs. parking lot)

        • urban - land mainly covered with buildings and roads, many people clustered together

        • rural - land with lots of open spaces, relatively few people

      • Land use

      • Where we live

        • Until around 1850, most lived in rural areas

        • After the industrial revolution, population shifted to urban areas (cities)

      • The urban-rural connection

        • Everyone depends on resources from rural areas

        • ecosystem services - resources provided by natural and artificial ecosystems (clean water and air, flood and climate regulation)

        • Each person in most developed countries use 20 acres worth of resources. People in less developed countries use an average of 6 acres worth of resources. The average person in the US uses about 30 acres worth of resources.