
Post date: Oct 24, 2011 1:29:59 AM

    • Bell ringer (verbal): what is the name and formula of the compound formed by Magnesium and Fluorine?

    • Transition metals

      • Elements in the middle of the periodic table

      • No regular pattern of valence numbers

      • Many elements have multiple possible valence numbers (example: Iron sometimes has 2 valence electrons, and sometimes has 3)

      • Transition metals are named using roman numerals to indicate which valence number that sample has (example: the Iron with 2 valence electrons is Iron (II), the one with 3 valence electrons is named Iron (III) )

    • Transition metals assignment - write the formulas for the following compounds:

      1. Iron (III) oxide

      2. Iron (II) oxide

      3. Nickel (IV) chloride

      4. Zinc (II) sulfide

      5. Copper (I) nitride