
Post date: Feb 18, 2009 1:23:13 PM

Bell Ringer: How are force and acceleration related? (hint: If you push something with more force, what happens to its acceleration? What about if you push it with less force?)

    • 2nd Law Labs are due

    • Finish 2nd law notes

      • 2nd Law: F = ma, which tells us if force goes up, acceleration goes up

      • Finish on powerpoint

  • Homework (or in class):

      • Page 401: 1-4

      • Write a letter (to be turned in) to a friend or relative explaining Newton's first and second laws. Include

        • A description of what the laws say

        • Your interpretation of the laws

        • How these laws affect our daily lives

        • At least 2 examples of these laws at work in the world

        • Minimum: 1 page in length.