
Post date: Jan 28, 2011 4:59:55 PM

Bell Ringer: Why do we have wind?

    • Paper plane directions

      • Write clear, step-by-step instruction to make your paper plane

      • Write these in 2nd person (do this, do that, NOT we did this, we did that)

      • Trade with another person and edit their instructions for spelling, grammar, and clarity

      • Make suggested changes to your directions

    • Answer the following question: How is pressure related to how your paper plane flies? Draw a diagram of your plane flying, and label areas of high pressure and low pressure around your plane.

      • Due Monday

    • How planes use pressure

      • Flight

        • Newton's 3rd law (to be discussed in the physics part of this class) explains part of how wings generate lift

        • Wings of a plane push air downward as the plane moves forward

        • Wings are shaped so that air will have very high pressure below the wing, and lower pressure above the wing.

        • Air moves from high to low pressure (up), and takes plane up with it.

      • In the cabin

        • Planes go very high, where air pressure is low

        • People have a hard time getting enough air when the pressure is that low

        • The inside of the cabin is kept at a higher air pressure than the surrounding air, to keep people comfortable

        • The structure of a plane must be VERY strong to hold all of this extra pressure inside the plane.