
Post date: Nov 06, 2009 12:53:43 AM

Bell Ringer: Which is more important in a machine, a high mechanical advantage or a high efficiency? Why?

    • Discuss final project

      • Design and carry out your own scientific study

      • Will be writing and present formal lab reports on your experiment

      • Overall projects will be due finals week, but we will have periodic due dates for parts of the project

      • You will make a presentation to the class about your research project.

      • Your project will be evaluated according to this rubric

    • Experiment idea is due next Wednesday at beginning of class. Please write a 1-2 paragraph summary of the experiment you are planning on conducting along with your hypothesis in if/then format.

    • Energy notes

      • Everything in the universe that ISN'T matter is energy (heat, light, sound, etc.)

      • Many types of energy, some of which we will use equations to find the amount of energy (measured in Joules, or J)

      • Kinetic energy

        • Energy of motion

        • Depends on mass and velocity of object

        • KE = 1/2*m*v^2

      • Potential energy

        • Energy of position, energy of height

        • Depends on mass, gravity, and height

        • PE = m*g*h

      • When one object does work on another, it is transferring energy to that object.

        • If I lift an object from the ground, and in the process I do 500 J of work on it, the object now has 500 J of potential energy

        • If I throw an object horizontally from rest, and in the process to 1000 J of work on it, the object now has 1000 J of kinetic energy

        • Work done on an object = change in energy for that object

  • Pages 221-224: 2, 3, 5, 7 Due Monday