
Post date: Nov 29, 2011 6:57:18 PM

o Bell ringer (written): Why is it important to protect rivers from pollution?

· Hand out the “Troubled Waters: a Mississippi River story” worksheets

· Connect the computer to the projector and the speakers and turn on the projector. In an internet window, go to http://www.cultureunplugged.com/play/6434/jsSendInvitation.php and start the video. (If that link does not work, you can also go to http://www.mnvideovault.org/mpml_player_embed.php?select_index=0&vid_id=20943 , but this is a lower video quality.) The video will last through the entire class period. Have students turn in their worksheets at the end of the period, or collect them tomorrow if they need time to finalize any of their answers.