8/23/13, Friday

Post date: Aug 22, 2013 8:35:19 PM

Bell Ringer

    • Sketch the position vs. time graph for your trip from your house to this classroom. Describe what each part of the graph represents.


    • Graphing motion activity (as a class) - Given a graph of distance vs. time, recreate the motion of the graph

      • Sketch the graph you were given

      • Describe the motion shown in the graph

      • Gather class data for your movement and create a graph of your motion

      • Discuss the causes for any differences between the two graphs

      • Sketch a velocity vs. time graph of the motion you were trying to imitate. Write an explanation of why you drew each segment the way you did.

    • Acceleration notes, practice

    • Graphing velocity vs. time notes, practice


    • Page 44: 1-6


    • Enter data into Google Spreadsheet (by Saturday at noon)

    • Finish graphing motion activity (due Monday)

    • Pages 68-73: 8, 11, 14, 17, 18, 20, 21, 30, 36, 42 (due Wednesday, 8/28)