
Post date: Apr 20, 2010 6:6:48 PM

Bell Ringer: Estimate the work required for the following activities. Justify your answers. a) Walking up a flight of stairs, b) moving an elevator with one occupant up one level, c) pushing a car 25 blocks to your favorite gas station

    • Have students read 200 - 203 and do problems 5-7 and 9-11 on those pages (due Tuesday)

    • Show the Mythbusters episode "Earthquake Machine". Inform students that this machine was developed by Nikolai Tesla, who was one of the physicists discussed yesterday in class. During the video , students should write a 1-2 paragraph explanation of how the concepts of work and power are related to the earthquake machine.

    • Have students get into their final project groups and begin writing their rough draft of their procedure for the experiment.