
Post date: Nov 21, 2008 3:35:5 AM

Bell Activity: What are the states of matter?

    • Kinetic Theory

      • Matter is made of atoms and molecules, particles which are always in motion

      • The higher the temperature of the matter, the faster the particles move

      • Analogy - think of your feet as particles in a substance

        • Walk across the room temperature floor - feet move normal walking speed (slowly)

        • Walk across hot concrete on a summer day - feet move faster to keep from getting burned (faster)

        • Walk across hot coals (VERY hot!) - move feet as fast as you can to keep from getting burned (fastest)

    • States of Matter - classified based on whether the shape and volume of a substance are constant or changeable

      • Solid - definite shape, definite volume

        • A brick is a box-shape with the same size whether it is on a table or in a bucket or anywhere else

      • Liquid - definite shape, volume depends on container

        • 100 ml of water in a beaker is 100 ml of water in a graduated cylinder, but the shape of the water changes when you change container. Pour the water onto the table, and the shape changes again!

      • Gas - shape and volume both change

        • Smoke from a match curls and twists and spreads out, changing both the shape and the volume.

        • When a plastic bag with a tiny bit of air in it is put into a vaccuum chamber, the volume of the air increases and makes the bag expand

        • ***Liquids and gases, because their shape changes and their particles slide past one another, are called fluids.***

      • Plasma - shape and volume both change AND particles are electrically charged, letting them conduct electricity

        • Lightning is a plasma (or inside the lightning globe)

        • Inside fluorescent lights is a plasma (when they're turned on)

        • The sun is made of plasma.

      • Other states of matter (not discussed as much because not as common)

        • Superconducting - electricity moves with no resistance

        • Superfluid - very cold gases turn to fluids with NO viscosity (pictured below). Superfluids will leak through microscopic holes and will creap up the sides of their containers to get to the lowest point possible.

        • Amorphous solid - solid that changes shape slightly, such as jello

        • Magnets - all magnetic particles are lined up with eachother to produce a magnetic field

        • Etc.

  • States of matter drawing (due Monday)

      • Create a drawing that shows the 4 main states of matters, and demonstrates their properties. Each student will create a drawing the size of one full sheet of computer paper. Drawings must be in color.