
Post date: Sep 27, 2009 6:7:27 PM

Bell Activity: Why do do people have different names?

    • Just like elements, we give names to compounds to separate them from other compounds

    • Naming ionic compounds

      • Ionic compounds are formed because of attractions between positive and negative ions.

        • Positive ions

          • are positive because they gave up electrons (lost negative charges)

          • are called cations

          • Are usually formed by elements on the left side of the periodic table

        • Negative ions

          • are negative because the gained electrons (gained negative charges)

          • are called anions

          • Are usually formed by elements on the right side of the periodic table

      • Naming cations

        • use the name of the element, plus the word ion

        • ion charges are determined by number of valence electrons

        • cations will have + charge, with the charge number being the same as the number of valence electrons

          • Example: Sodium, Na

            • When sodium gives up electrons, it becomes an ion called sodium ion

            • Sodium is in the first column of the periodic table, so it has 1 valence electron

            • The charge of a Sodium Ion is 1+, so the symbol for this is Na 1+

          • Example: Barium, Ba

            • When barium gives up electrons, it becomes an ion called barium ion

            • Barium is in the second column of the periodic table, so it has 2 valence electrons

            • The charge of a Barium Ion is 2+, so the symbol for this is Ba 2+

        • Some elements (transition metals) form more than one type of cation

          • With these elements, we must include some way to show which ion we're talking about

          • We do this with roman numerals to show the charge of the ion

            • Example: Iron, Fe

              • Iron can give up either 2 or 3 electrons, so it will have either a 2+ or 3+ charge

              • The Iron ion with a 2+ charge is written as Iron (II) ion

              • The Iron ion with a 3+ charge is written as Iron (III) ion

          • Below are the possible charges of the transition metals

      • Naming Anions

        • use the name of the element, but change the ending to -ide, plus the word ion

        • ion charges are determined by valence electron numbers

        • cations will have - charges, with the number determined by how many electrons they can take

          • Example: Chlorine, Cl

            • When chlorine receives an electron, it becomes Chloride ion

            • Chlorine is in the 7th column (has 7 valence electrons). This means the chlorine takes one more electron, or one negative charge.

            • The charge for this ion, then, is 1-

            • The symbol for the Chloride Ion is Cl 1-

          • Example: Nitrogen, N

            • When Nitrogen receives an electron, it becomes Nitride ion

            • Nitrogen is in the 5th column (has 5 valence electrons). This means the Nitrogen takes 3 more electron, or 3 negative charges.

            • The charge for this ion, then, is 3-

            • The symbol for the nitride ion is N 3-

Writing formulas for ionic compounds

    • Start with a cation and an anion

    • Write the symbols (with charges) for each ion

    • Put them next to each other, with the cation first

    • Cross the charges and bring them down to subscript to show how many of each ion is involved

    • Example: Hydrogen Chloride

    • Example: Iron (III) oxide

Naming ionics assignment

    • Write the name and symbol of the ions formed by the following elements:

      • 1. Lithium

      • 2. Beryllium

      • 3. Bromine

      • 4. Sulfur

      • 5. Calcium

      • 6. Cesium

      • 7. Potassium

      • 8. Phosphorus

      • 9. Astatine

      • 10. Oxygen

        • Example: For Sodium, the name of the ion is Sodium Ion and the symbol is Na 1+

    • Given the following element symbols, write the name of the compound that each pair forms:

      • 1. Na and Cl

      • 2. H and F

      • 3. Copper (II) and O

      • 4. K and Br

      • 5. Mg and P

Given the following compound names, write the formula of each ionic compound

  1. Sodium chloride

  2. Hydrogen fluoride

  3. Copper (II) oxide

  4. Potassium bromide

  5. Magnesium phosphide