
Post date: Dec 10, 2010 3:59:26 PM

Bell Ringer: How are waves and energy related?

    • Finish transverse / longitudinal activity

    • Finish 15.1 notes

    • Anatomy of a wave

      • Node - the part of a wave at equilibrium

      • Antinode - the part of a wave furthest from equilibrium

          • Crest - high point of a wave

          • Trough - low point of a wave

      • Wavelength - the distance between two identical parts of a wave

      • Frequency - the number of waves that go by a point each second

      • Period - the time for one complete cycle of a wave to go by

      • Amplitude - the distance from equilibrium to the antinode of a wave

    • Wave speed

        • wave speed = frequency x wavelength

        • wave speed = distance / time

        • example problems

      • Page 519: practice problems 1-3 due Monday (on same page as transverse/longitudinal activity)

    • Bill Nye - Waves