
Post date: Mar 28, 2009 8:16:29 PM

Bell Ringer: What is a wave?

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    • Wave - a disturbance that carries energy through matter or space

      • Examples

        • Water waves

        • Spring movements

        • "The Wave"

        • Sound waves

        • Light waves

      • Most travel through a medium

    • Medium - a physical environment in which phenomena occur. The "stuff" that a wave moves through. For example, sound waves travel through air, water waves through water, etc.

    • Mechanical waves - waves that require a medium

    • Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium

      • These are light waves, both visible and invisible light.

      • Includes radio waves, x-rays

    • Mechanical waves

    • Wave and Particle Motion Lab - due Tuesday

      • Transverse waves - particle move perpendicular to wave

      • Longitudinal waves - particles move parallel to wave

    • Parts of a wave

      • Crest - highest point on a wave

      • Trough - lowest point on a wave

      • Wavelength - length from one point on a wave to the next identical point

      • Amplitude - distance from resting position to a crest or trough (height of a wave)

      • Compression - part of a longitudinal wave where particles are squeezed together

      • Rarefaction - part of a longitudinal wave where particles are stretched apart

  • PowerPoint Notes for 15-1