
Post date: Oct 27, 2009 12:9:4 AM

Bell Ringer: Write a procedure for solving conservation of momentum problems.

    • Example problems for 2D momentum problem

    • Review sheet for momentum test - Due Thursday

      • 1. 9.2 kg m/s

      • 2.a) 0.53 kg m/s b) 0.38 m/s c) -0.53 kg m/s d) 2.2 m/s

      • 3. 1300 kg

      • 4. 2.9 m/s

      • 5. 0.40 m/s

    • Preparation for bottle rockets

      • With your teams, decide on a way to calculate the velocity at which the water exits the bottle using the conservation of momentum.

      • Make a list of what values you will measure to make this calculation, how you will measure them, and who will be in charge of measuring each

    • Be sure to check out last year's momentum test to help you study