
Post date: Jan 04, 2011 9:8:7 PM

Bell Ringer: What is matter?

    • Notes - scientific knowledge and ideas

      • Observations - readily apparent pieces of information, measurements are one kind.

      • Law - a generalized statement that summarizes a pattern of observations (e.g. what goes up always comes down)

      • Hypothesis - a proposed explanation for WHY something happens the way it does. These are based on observations and can be tested in an experiment.

      • Theory - a hypothesis that has been thoroughly tested, is supported by all available data, and is generally accepted by the scientific community.

    • Theories never become laws. Theories explain why we see the behaviors described in the laws

    • Lab safety contracts

    • Matter is the "stuff" that makes up our world. Anything that has mass and takes up space is matter

        • Includes solids, such as wood or rocks

        • Includes liquids, such as water or hot lava

        • Includes gases, such as air or water vapor

        • Does not include energy, such as heat, light, or sound.

Chemistry is the study of matter and its changes

We call the amount of matter in an object its mass

  • Copper Wire Lab - due Thursday, 1/7